Thursday, October 31, 2019

Fix the assigment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fix the assigment - Essay Example They can also provide feedback to the marketers via the same platform and this will help the marketers to be in a position to design products that would satisfy the needs and interests of the customers. The company intends to use a multi-channel online communication strategy in order to reach as many customers as possible in different parts of the country. Marc J. Metrick- President (CEO) said that the company intends to create customer superior value and experience through the use of online shopping in doing business. The company is dedicated towards improving customer service in a bid to satisfy the needs and interests of the customers. Saks Fifth Avenue will particularly focus on editorial content published on different social media such as Face Book, Instagram as well as Twitter. This type of social media will provide a two way channel such that the customers can communicate directly with the marketers and sales reps at the company. They can also give feedback about their needs and interests using the same platform. Saks Fifth Avenue1 also utilises other channels where the customers are given the opportunity to give their ideas and views that can help the company to design products that suit their needs. Saks Fifth Avenue’s pricing strategy will be mainly influenced by the market forces obtaining at a particular period. The company does not intend to exploit the customers through charging high prices for the products offered. The company seeks to create a mutually beneficial relationship with all the stakeholders. The main goal of the company is to ensure that its needs as well as those of the customers are satisfied. The company will organize campaigns that are meant to enlighten people about the need to be responsible in their actions in order to ensure that they do not cause harm to the environment. Additionally, the company will also engage in programs that are designed to help it plough back to the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Modern dance Essay Example for Free

Modern dance Essay 1. What are the innovations of Isadora Duncan, Denishawn, Martha Graham, and Cunningham. Discuss these in relation to style, technique and theory. Many Historians say that Isadora Duncan was the first dancer to present modern dancing to the public. Duncan felt that the pointe shoes and costumes that ballerinas wore were to restrictive. She began to dance in a way that seemed to be more natural to her. Her inspirations came from the movements of the tress, the ocean and other forms from nature. Her techniques included hopping, swaying, skipping and running. She felt these type of movements were natural and expressive. Also, the history of the Greeks inspired her to dance barefoot and wear tunics similar to those of Greek style. Isadora Duncan paved the way for all modern dancers and choreographers who were to follow her. Learning About Dance pg. 61-62 Denishawn was a dance school created in 1915 by Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn. Denis and Shawn were greatly inspired by different cultures, especially the Asian cultures. Although the dances Denishawn performed werent authentic, they were still able to bring other countries dance views to American audiences. The purpose of Denishawn was to educate the total dancer. Meaning to bring together the body , mind and spirit. Learning About Dance pg. 62-63 Martha Graham developed a technique known as contracting and releasing through the center of the body. This technique can be seen throughout many of her dances. Graham would create dances that dealt with psychological issues. She would use themes relating to American life, Greek Mythology, American Pioneers and American Indians. Learning About Dance pg. 6371 Merce Cunningham was the first choreographer to not use traditional choreographic methods. He developed a new style of choreography. He did not believe dance had to have a certain storyline or theme. His theory of dance revolved around the idea of movement for movements sake. He felt that any part of the body can be used and the music, costumes design, lighting and the movements all have their own identity. He thought a dance can be about anything , just as long the main idea is about the human body moving.. In his dances he uses chance and indeterminacy methods. He uses these methods because he feels it helps him to break old habits and create exciting and new movements in dances. By using these methods what a dance is one night might be something else by the next night. Learnig About Dance pg. 65-66 2. In depth discuss one of these artistic personas (one of four). Include the art themes, and society of the time, as well as the particular contribution to dance history. Modern dance began in the late 1800s and early 1900s. It came directly as a revolt,what was understood as the restrictions of ballet. Isadora Duncan, (1877-1927), is given the credit of being the first dancer to present modern dancing. Other dancers, such as Loie Fuller and Maud Allan did perform dances that were new and different also. But, Duncans reasons for creating and moving were different to those of Allans and Fullers. Duncan began to feel that the costumes and pointe shoes were to restricting, after years of ballet training. She left technical training and began to dance in her way. She felt her new way of dancing was more natural. These natural movements came to her from different forces of nature. Like the swaying of trees and the ocean. Her technique included movements such as skipping, running, hopping and swaying. These movements were not only natural, but also expressed her. Her inspiration dancing barefoot and wearing tunics came from the history of the Greeks. The tunics did not confine her movements and they also showed the beauty of the female body. Duncan was also known as a rebel to many Americans. She found fame in parts of Europe and Russia, from 1907-1927. You could call Isadora Duncan the mother of modern dance. Isadora went out to free the body from the restrictions of ballet and created a truly modern form of dance. She began to show dance as the art of liberation. Learning About Dance pg. 61-62 pg. 70

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Analysis of Islamic Architecture

Analysis of Islamic Architecture The eternal principle behind modern Islamic architecture is about the story that evolves from ancient times of Islam architecture and move towards modernism. Modernism began to slowly grow since Industrial revolution started. Since the period, it has turn Islamic architecture to explore in depth with the use of mass production. At the same time, continuing the richness of Islamic architecture elements and forms with influences from Euro and how it brought to Singapore, which is known to be one of the elite modern countries. The spread through revolution is rapid and challenges occur in Islamic architecture to keep up with the modern times and also embracing its cultural identity. The comparison between Euro and Singapore Islamic architecture for religious building carries the same element of projecting modernism as religious spaces. As well as modification of few elements of Islamic form into simplistic manner that fits in the society that lives in. Academic building as modern Islamic architecture reveals representation of different materials and colours to interpret Islamic perspective. The differences in the application use by Egypt and Singapore were selective yet portray the element of Islamic architecture. Commercial building in Islamic and Singapore as multi-cultural country sets different challenges. The application of the elements are achievable, however in site context, attraction as identity and carrying the character may be difficult due to the society that lives in, and how they perceive it differently. Introduction The variety of artistic developments in todays Islamic Architecture is influenced by both traditional forms and by modernism. There was a greater openness of Islamic architecture to European styles, also varied and distinctive new approaches to the analysis of their own tradition. Whether or not it ranges from secular to religious, Islamic architecture carry the same element of style such as the geometric shapes and repetitive art. Standing still in this modern era, Islamic architecture has been famous for its traditional forms. For example the concept of art rests on a basic foundation of calligraphy, geometry and, in architecture, the repetition and multiplication of elements based on the arch. Usually there are allied and parallel floral and figural motifs. Other element such as the water and light are also important for Islamic architecture decoration as they contribute in generating layers of pattern for surface decoration. With these surfaces, they are able to transform space. Since surface is articulated by decoration, there is an intimate connection in Islamic architecture between space and deco. Analysis Modernism in Islamic architecture will be covered in three aspects such as religious architecture, academic as well as commercial spaces.To begin with, the aspect of modern Islamic architecture of religious spaces such as the Mosque shows a great departure from traditional to futuristic look. Resulting in hybrid buildings where traditional facades of arches and domes are grafted onto modern high-rises. 2.1 As a case study of Euro-Islamic architecture, the Penzberg Islamic Centre built in a small German town between Munich and Alps, boldly demonstrates the compatibility of mosques and modernism. minarets are shortened and serve no purpose unlike minaret of traditional Islamic Mosque that is tall in height are usually use as a way call people for prayers. However, The building in night scene. The minaret serves its purpose as light which illuminates the ornamental decoration wrapped around. The idea shows the model notions of enlightened Islam. Apart from the shortened minaret, whose colours sets it apart from the course being sandstone facade, the centre is not obviously marked out as a typical religious building. The exterior already hints at the contemplative atmosphere of the prayer hall inside. The main entrance that is made to stand out by slanted concrete slabs symbolizing the pages of a book, on which words from the Koran can be read. Whereas on the right, the interior has shows the modernist idea of working with the simplest means by having no huge chandeliers and no exuberant ornaments. Adding dynamic quality to the architecture is by playing with lights. The same key element uses often in Islamic architecture. The way the light falls draws attention to the ceiling and wall panels, where ornaments are applied to the unclad concrete that can be read as expressions of divine boundlessness. The abstracted star motifs contain The 99 Names of God such as The Most Merciful and The Utterly Just in calligraphy. Modern Islamic Architecture can exist anywhere in Europe since Europe society can keep with constantly developing innovation and the idea of understanding faith but not tradition that is set in stone. In Europe, the mosque of today must represent a distinct type that reveals the 20th century that is when it meets the fitting choice for future generations. Modern Islamic architecture may took over in Europe, going back to local context, Euro-Islamic architecture are also influencing Singapore. Singapore is well known for here and now architecture building that surrounds the entire city. Modernity is what Singapore falls under. Overshadowing the historical sites, modern Islamic architecture in Singapore is becoming more dominant. The second case studies in local context for religious building are the Assyafaah mosque located at Admiralty lane in Singapore. The Assyafaah Mosque The Assyafah Mosque uses a contemporary interpretation of the arabesque, a universally recognizable symbol of Islamic Art and Architecture, to create an original identity for the modern mosque. The use of the positive arabesque, a double arabesque to make the notions of overlapping geometries more explicit and negative arabesques are seamlessly incorporated in the design of this mosque. The architects state that the use of the arabesque patterns to symbolize the Qurans attributes provides a link to the past. The minarets were done in modernist way. It is similar to Penzberg Islamic centre minaret which is done in a simple form. The minaret of Assyafaah mosque is a symbol of alif which is the first letter word of Arab language. The idea of integrating letters as minarets further emphasize Islamic architecture elements rather than using complex calligraphy form. The column free prayer hall framed by its ribbed and arched fairfaced concrete structure rising from the floor and opening upwards towards the quadruple volume in front of the mihrab wall The three-dimensional arches, which serve the purpose of transferring the structural loads of the upper three storeys help provide a column free span in the lower prayer space. The concrete arches are a great prove of how the architect explores usage of material which look as raw yet prove to be aesthetically pleasing. At the same time, they serve to guide the eye of the user towards the four-storey high marble clad mihrab wall, bathed in natural light. The light filtering through, very much a-like to Tadao Ando style of playing with lights. Again, the nature of keeping elements of Islamic architecture by using natural light to seep through the calligraphy patterned frames which act as light filtering, making the facade to look more lacy by trapping some light and diffuse it with most subtle gradations. The uses of geometrical facade assure the Islamic architectural method of using optical effect shows how different thicknesses of frame define the sophisticated effect. 2.2 Apart from religious building, academic buildings in Islamic architecture are as well influence with modern contemporary architecture. The third case studies for academic buildings are the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Egypt. The structure illustrates the rich historical and rapid modern evolution of the Islamic past. The design portrays the idea of openness, containment and all encompassing knowledge in its main geometric form, the circle. Partly, Islamic elements such as the geometric patterns permitted an interrelationship between the parts and the whole building complex. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina Exterior facade The stone walls of the library The idea of openness with the integration of water. As an influence of Islamic architecture, water reflects architecture and also serves its means by emphasizing the visual axes. Like the mirror, they give fluidity, dynamic yet show the static architecture. Besides having literal water elements, another way to represents Earth element reflected in one of the Modern Islamic academic architecture in Singapore which is Al-Mukminin Madrasah located in Jurong East. Exterior building of Al-Mukminin For the fourth case study is about the building as total modernization of Islamic architecture. Arabesque pattern is not evident in this building, however, the building play with colours despite no vivid traditional form. The underlying exploration of this facade is the use of Islamic colours to represent water, sky and ground. The multi-shade colours also gives an optical illusion effect from far, creating dematerialisation which is one of the technique element that from Islamic architecture usually use in traditional times. 2.3 The last aspect besides Religious and academic building are the commercial building. One of the examples for commercial building for Islamic architecture would be the museum of Islamic Art in Qatar by I.M Pei. He uses geometrical forms and symmetry applied for the design concept. Clearly, it is not a hybrid futuristic building which usually uses metal and glass cladding as the facade. Instead, he uses limestone marble which gives the smooth touch against the solid form building. As compared to traditional times of using mud brick construction, the limestone marble gives off the modernistic look and also how the block are arranged in sequence manner in parallel. Museum of Islamic Art Exterior Front and Interior The front view of the museum shows two pillar which look like the modern minarets. Traditional domes are not seen evidently, however in the interior, tall arches are not seen instead walls slanted in symmetrical direction toward the ceiling in geometrical forms that creates spherical domes made up of geometric shapes. The dome also gives a hint of natural light to pass through. Elements of Islamic principle are still applicable to commercial spaces. The aim to enhance space through patterns proves dynamically interesting for a modern Islamic building. The solidity of the forms made up is in repetition direction along with different proportions which then allows the eternal principles of Islamic architecture of rhythmical movement. The last case study for Commercial buildings as modern Islamic architecture is the Haniffa, a famous textile company originated from India, the building is located by Keng Lee road, Singapore. The building shows strong influence of Euro-Islamic architecture. Conclusion In conclusion, the desire for rapid development has brought in influences from Western architecture to Islamic architecture due to the Industries revolution that pushes the Islamic architecture to move forward by understanding the essence Islamic principles in architecture and then allows modern building technology to be the tool in the expression. Tool of expression in terms of the mass production of materials has become an advantage for designers to explore with the possibilities of transforming forms by moving away from traditional techniques into modern ways. Such application is strongly reflected on Singapore context for Islamic architecture. Most Islamic architecture buildings in Singapore were made in modern ways. However, the challenge that is set for Singapore is how it may stand apart from other non-Islamic architecture tall buildings that have been the ultimate identity of Singapore. In order to create modern Islamic architecture identity should be more evident, and the re levance to eternal principle of Islam is important. This can be achieve by creating forms in relation with traditional Islamic elements that evolves through modern approach and at the same time carry its own characteristic. Hence, the regional identity of Islamic architecture will then become an evolution to modern Islamic era. List of references James Steele [1994] Architecture for Islamic Societies Today, Academy Editions / The Aga Khan Award For Architecture, St.Martins Pr, United Kingdom Cristian Welzbacher [2008] EURO-ISLAM Architecture (The New Mosques in the West), Sun Publisher,Saudi Arabia Renata Holo, Hasan Uddin Khan [1997] The Mosque The Modern World, Thames Hudson Publisher, Australia Markus Hattstein, Peter Delius [2004] ISLAM Art Architecture, Konemann, New York Richard Ettinghausen, Oleg Grabar [2003] The Art and Architecture Of Islam 650-1250 , Yale University Press, Connecticut Phillipa Baker [2004] Architecture Polyphony Building in the Islamic World Today,Thames Hudson Publisher, Yemen Bibliography

Friday, October 25, 2019

Artificial Intelligence :: essays research papers fc

Artificial Intelligence: Can Small Insect Like Robots Rule the AI World? The Question that I propose is: Can insect-like robots perform tasks superior to that of any other style of robot? I am going to prove to you that the answer is yes, of course they can! With their superior stability and many less drawbacks that larger wheeled robots the legged â€Å"insects† can out perform even the most powerfully computing machines in many tasks. The applications of these robots are only limited by our imagination.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many people believe that artificial intelligence and robots should only be for â€Å"unthinking and repetitive tasks, or for dangerous but straightforward undertakings† (Economist 83). But as human understanding and intelligence of computer systems and technology progresses the idea of artificial intelligence becomes more of a reality instead of a vision. Right now a computer can be a matchmaker, a chess champion, and a useful searcher of medical information. And many people and programs are changing that with their leaps and bounds by actually giving the machine senses like a database of knowledge and sight and sound in the forms of a camera and a microphone respectively. In one case a robot can sense â€Å"hunger† by making a decision when it is running low on fuel to choose to refuel before it completes its task that has been scheduled. It may have to refuel multiple times before the task is completed. The decision can even be made taking into effect the distance it is away from a refueling station (Economist 84). This is one reason why a small insect –like robot could be more useful, because it could be more efficient and adaptive to the task at hand.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Much of the robotics community believes that a robot will have to be huge in size and programming to be useful in anything. But many of those types of robots could only mover across smooth surfaces like floors or roads for it to be stable and have no chance of it damaging itself by tipping over. The only way that robots could ever move where humans could, was to develop legs. But legs could be unstable causing the robot to fall, which concerned many people. But it wouldn’t be a concern if the robot was the size of an insect since insects fall down all of the time and they seem to still get around ok (Waldrop 963).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

The True Story of Slavery The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is a riveting story that shows how cruel and dehumanizing slavery truly is. Slavery was an issue for nearly all of the 70 years it plagued America. In this narrative Douglass brings to light the sickening experience that slavery is for slaves themselves. Douglass is able to communicate how terrible the institution of slavery is because of the physical abuse many masters forced the slaves to endure, the necessities that were not provided to them, and their treatment as something like cattle. Douglass learned very early that brutal physical abuse was synonymous with everyday plantation life. For nearly any reason, a supervisor or overseer could beat or whip a slave. Most of the times slaves were abused, it was done publically in order to set a precedent for punishment of other slaves. The theory was that when other slaves see their possible punishment, that they would behave themselves. Douglass recalls a gruesome scene from his early days on the plantation that perfectly illustrates the cruelty of the overseers. He recalls his first overseer, Mr. Plumber, beating his Aunt Hestor: â€Å"He used to tie [her] up to a joist, and whip upon her naked back until she was literally covered in blood. No words, no tears, no prayers, from his gory victim, seemed to move his iron heart from its bloody purpose. The louder she screamed, the harder he whipped; and where the blood ran fastest, there he whipped longest. He would whip her to make her scream, and whip her to make her hush† (Douglass 5) This beating shows the pain that overseers go out of the way to create incredibly painful and uncomfortable situations that their slaves must go through. Unfortunately, this example was commonplace, and done even for the smallest wrongdoings. This caused spectators to think they could do nothing to avoid being beaten because someday the will mess up and be forced to endure the pain of the cow skin. Essentially, these vicious beatings became an inevitability of slave life. Although plagued everyday with physical beating, the life of a slave does not get any easier as the return home. If slaves were lucky, they were treated almost equal to cattle, but most of the time given even less food and other necessities. Slaves were required to work insanely long hours in the field, while coming home to a shack without any of the necessities of life. They were not provided with proper food, housing or clothing. Douglass recounts the minimal amount of food he received each month: â€Å"Eight pounds of pork, or its equivalent in fish, and one bushel of corn meal† (Douglass 9). This amount of food is not even enough to feed a sedentary person, let alone someone who has been toiling from sunrise to sunsets in the fields. The food the slaves were given essentially had no nutritional value. Their yearly clothing consisted of two coarse linen shirts, one pair of linen trousers, like the shirts, one jacket, one pair of trousers for winter, made of coarse negro cloth, one pair of stockings, and one pair of shoes† (Douglass 9). The clothing that the slaves were provided with was not anywhere near adequate to keep them warm during the winter, or to provide protection against the elements in any way . As horrible as it was, the deprivation of clothing and food from slaves was only just the beginning. Worst of all was the mental pressures put upon the slaves, this pressure grew to be extremely tormenting for almost all slaves. Their treatment as nothing more than property, easily replicable and of no value made slaves depressed, and feel hopeless. The slaves were in constant mental turmoil, trying to deject the thoughts constantly implanted into their minds by their masters. Overseers took pride in making sure slaves were aware of their inferiority to white men. Douglass recalls how the slaves were grouped with animals: â€Å"We were all ranked together at the valuation. Men and women, old and young, married and single, were ranked with horses, sheep, and swine. There were horses and men, cattle and women, pigs and children, all holding the same rank in the scale of being† (Douglass 46). This grouping essentially denies their right to be human and to feel any self worth. Slaves are left with a lack of confidence and eternal self-pity. Through Douglass’ narrative he is able to communicate the true ills of slavery. Not many subjects can still send a chill down reader’s spines over 100 years later. Douglass is able to accurately portray how the Physical and Mental strains of slavery can affect the willpower of the slaves. The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass The True Story of Slavery The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is a riveting story that shows how cruel and dehumanizing slavery truly is. Slavery was an issue for nearly all of the 70 years it plagued America. In this narrative Douglass brings to light the sickening experience that slavery is for slaves themselves. Douglass is able to communicate how terrible the institution of slavery is because of the physical abuse many masters forced the slaves to endure, the necessities that were not provided to them, and their treatment as something like cattle. Douglass learned very early that brutal physical abuse was synonymous with everyday plantation life. For nearly any reason, a supervisor or overseer could beat or whip a slave. Most of the times slaves were abused, it was done publically in order to set a precedent for punishment of other slaves. The theory was that when other slaves see their possible punishment, that they would behave themselves. Douglass recalls a gruesome scene from his early days on the plantation that perfectly illustrates the cruelty of the overseers. He recalls his first overseer, Mr. Plumber, beating his Aunt Hestor: â€Å"He used to tie [her] up to a joist, and whip upon her naked back until she was literally covered in blood. No words, no tears, no prayers, from his gory victim, seemed to move his iron heart from its bloody purpose. The louder she screamed, the harder he whipped; and where the blood ran fastest, there he whipped longest. He would whip her to make her scream, and whip her to make her hush† (Douglass 5) This beating shows the pain that overseers go out of the way to create incredibly painful and uncomfortable situations that their slaves must go through. Unfortunately, this example was commonplace, and done even for the smallest wrongdoings. This caused spectators to think they could do nothing to avoid being beaten because someday the will mess up and be forced to endure the pain of the cow skin. Essentially, these vicious beatings became an inevitability of slave life. Although plagued everyday with physical beating, the life of a slave does not get any easier as the return home. If slaves were lucky, they were treated almost equal to cattle, but most of the time given even less food and other necessities. Slaves were required to work insanely long hours in the field, while coming home to a shack without any of the necessities of life. They were not provided with proper food, housing or clothing. Douglass recounts the minimal amount of food he received each month: â€Å"Eight pounds of pork, or its equivalent in fish, and one bushel of corn meal† (Douglass 9). This amount of food is not even enough to feed a sedentary person, let alone someone who has been toiling from sunrise to sunsets in the fields. The food the slaves were given essentially had no nutritional value. Their yearly clothing consisted of two coarse linen shirts, one pair of linen trousers, like the shirts, one jacket, one pair of trousers for winter, made of coarse negro cloth, one pair of stockings, and one pair of shoes† (Douglass 9). The clothing that the slaves were provided with was not anywhere near adequate to keep them warm during the winter, or to provide protection against the elements in any way . As horrible as it was, the deprivation of clothing and food from slaves was only just the beginning. Worst of all was the mental pressures put upon the slaves, this pressure grew to be extremely tormenting for almost all slaves. Their treatment as nothing more than property, easily replicable and of no value made slaves depressed, and feel hopeless. The slaves were in constant mental turmoil, trying to deject the thoughts constantly implanted into their minds by their masters. Overseers took pride in making sure slaves were aware of their inferiority to white men. Douglass recalls how the slaves were grouped with animals: â€Å"We were all ranked together at the valuation. Men and women, old and young, married and single, were ranked with horses, sheep, and swine. There were horses and men, cattle and women, pigs and children, all holding the same rank in the scale of being† (Douglass 46). This grouping essentially denies their right to be human and to feel any self worth. Slaves are left with a lack of confidence and eternal self-pity. Through Douglass’ narrative he is able to communicate the true ills of slavery. Not many subjects can still send a chill down reader’s spines over 100 years later. Douglass is able to accurately portray how the Physical and Mental strains of slavery can affect the willpower of the slaves.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Obesity and Genetics

Obesity is characterized by a high amount of body fat or adipose tissue. This condition is common, but varies from individual to individual. There are other factors that play a role in obesity other than eating too much of the wrong foods, not exercising, or age, and gender. This factor is genetics. People with genetic risk factors that affect energy metabolism and result in an inborn susceptibility to gain weight are much different than a person who loses weight normally. Most people don’t understand that obesity can be caused by a genetic disorder that they have no control over. People that suffer from obesity are looked down upon by society because people consider them lazy or unable to control themselves around food, when actually they may eat healthier diets than an average size person does and exercise more frequent as well. People that are obese are greatly discriminated against, their denied employment because their considered a health risk, their also denied positions that are public related such as bus’s and cabs, airplanes, as well as amusement parks, and people treat them as social failures because of this. Obese people can’t walk outside of their homes without being gawked at or harassed and hurt verbally. This making it harder for them to cope with their disorder and just to avoid the criticism most isolate them self’s from the world, psychologically leading to depression, feelings of rejection, or shame, and anger issues, as well as unhealthy living and socialization skills. Motivation is dissipated and social interactions may become limited as a result. References: Obesity and Genetics. (2005, January 1). Retrieved from

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Cubism and Fauvism essays

Cubism and Fauvism essays Cubism and Fauvism were one of the most influential modern arts of the 20th century. Cubism was developed by Spanish artist Pablo Picasso and French artist Georges Braque in Paris between 1907 and 1914. Picasso and Braque found examples and initial concepts of cubism in two art sources. The first source was in primitive art, such as African tribal masks, Iberian sculptures and Egyptian bas- reliefs. The next source was in the work of artist, Paul Czanne, in particular his late still lifes and landscapes. Czanne introduced new geometric forms as well as new spatial relations, which broke the traditional perspective of the renaissance era. In this new form of art, called cubism, objects were portrayed by geometric shapes, and were broken down into several parts, showing many different aspects at once. Later Cubist paintings were painted without realistic detail, effects of light or emotional content, producing a very abstract form, different from the typical paintings of that time. C ubist paintings tried to make the object appear 3 dimensional, whereas fauvist paintings emphasised the flat, two dimensional surfaces. Cubism was the beginning of the abstract and non-objective art style. Fauvism was the first 20th centaury art movement and was developed before cubism in 1905. The development of Fauvism began when about 12 artists, lead by Henri Mattise, stunned the public with their new form of art in an exhibition called the Salon dAutomne in Paris. Henri Matisse, who was among the first to produce modern art was an artist whose aim was to paint a picture which would give visual pleasure. The word fauvism is French for wild beast and was named by a critic in the exhibition who referred to the artists as les Fauves. Although fauvism was a relatively short movement, (4 years) it was influential and had a lasting impact on the art industry. Many of the fauve painti ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Nora And Hedda Essays - Ibsen Family, Nora, Hedda Gabler, Hedda

Nora And Hedda Essays - Ibsen Family, Nora, Hedda Gabler, Hedda Nora And Hedda Nora and Heddas Struggle for Independence In Isbens two plays, A Dolls House and Hedda Gabler, one character of each play breaks the stereotype or mold that is put on them. These two characters are Nora and Hedda. There are likenesses as well as differences between the two, however. In A Dolls House Nora is the protagonist, while, in Hedda Gabler, Isben chooses to make Hedda the antagonist. Both Nora and Hedda are caught in a masculine world, but take a different approach to gaining their independence from their male counterparts. Nora chooses to simply walk away from the problem she faces. This action goes along with most mothers tell their children when they face similar situations. Nora is suppressed by Torvalds words. She tries to help her husband and, according to the author, saves his life. Torvald is unaware of her sacrifice and is ashamed of Noras deceitful behavior. She is finally sick of being called a little skylark and a spendthrift and decides to leave Torvald, which is unheard during that time. The play ends with Nora slamming the door and Torvald mumbling to himself. Audiences react so violently to this ending because it shows a woman taking charge of her life and breaking the mold that stereotypes her. Hedda takes a different approach to changing the circumstances that stereotypes place her in. Being a woman, Hedda is seen as meek and mild by the men in Hedda Gabler. Her dream is to control and eventually ruin a human destiny, which means she must gain the trust of, or seduce, a human being. Her character of choice, and old flame, is Lvborg. Hedda doesnt escape her problems and run for cover like Nora did. Instead, Hedda takes her problems head on in hopes of changing them for her benefit. Her sarcastic tone and evil behavior make a dangerous combination. The reader experiences this mix when Hedda convinces Lvborg to kill himself. Eventually this head-on approach was too much for her and she takes her own life rather than be suppressed by a male. Nora and Hedda have two totally different personalities and character traits. Noras can be seen as independent and free willed, while Heddas traits are seen as evil, selfish, and cold hearted. They are the same, however, when it comes to their struggle for independence from the men in their life. In both of Isbens plays he places men is the characters life that causes each one make a decision to go against the stereotypical woman. Nora chooses to identify the problem and get away from it, but Hedda decides to take matters into her own hands and control the problem for personal gain.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Characteristics And Traits Of Good Entrepreneurs

Characteristics And Traits Of Good Entrepreneurs This report discusses about the well known entrepreneurs and their traits and characteristics. Entrepreneur can be defined as â€Å"one who shifts economic resources out of an area of lower and into an area of higher productivity and greater yield† (Lambing P, et., al., 1997). Entrepreneurs are people who own, operate and take the risk of a business venture. Entrepreneurs identify the needs of the marketplace and they will supply service or product to meet those needs. They assume risk in their business. Entrepreneurship is the process of running a business of one’s own (Bolton B, et., al., 2004). True entrepreneurs try to innovate and they cannot stop being as an entrepreneur. Persistent, creative, responsible, inquisitive, goal oriented, independent, self confident, risk taking are few characteristics of entrepreneurs. History of Richard Branson: Richard Branson is a famous British entrepreneur and CEO of Virgin groups who was born in 1950. He was educated at Stowe s chool where he set up student magazine at the age of 16. In 1970 he founded virgin as a mail order retailer, soon he opened a record store and this was his major success in entrepreneurial life. In 1977 he signed many contracts to help virgin Music to become the top six record companies in the world. With now more than 150 companies in 30 countries around the world virgin expanded into travel, tourism, mobile and so. In Feb 2007 virgin group announced their virgin earth challenge project which will remove atmospheric greenhouse gases (Cord J, 2008). Characteristics and traits of Richard Branson: Richard Branson is good leader where his leadership principle is based on the needs of treating other people with great respect. He is spending one-third of his time in trouble shooting and one-third on promoting new products and the rest on promoting and marketing his business (Cord J, 2008). He hires the bright people to motivate them and makes them delegates in his venture, where his dele gates are the responsible persons on the daily operations of the company. Branson is having the ability of when to back away from his new task. He says everyone must know the art of delegation to run a business and he should have a strong responsibility. Richard has the quality of helping people to run individual businesses so that the company can run without him ( Richard Branson motivates his employees and satisfies them by treating them as important team players and it is the crucial success for virgin Empires. He has effective man-management power and clearly strong. He is very enthusiastic and he has people who see it as their job to rein in. He is taking good decisions at crucial stages where he will broke his business in two sectors if it grows to a certain size. He feels that small firms run well and this is one of the major reasons as he manages to be a little guy in various tussles. Branson is very ambitious guy having many lists to do and he is man aged to get the biggest ideas of it. He is risk taker and had enormous energy in achieving it. He is living his life to fullest with passion. He believes in making difference where he delivers the service through employees to improve the customers experience by innovation. He has the flexibility of changing to the business environment (

Friday, October 18, 2019

A Major Theme Both in Titanic and Avatar by James Cameron Research Paper

A Major Theme Both in Titanic and Avatar by James Cameron - Research Paper Example The film Titanic developed around a fictional love story between two young passengers of the ship Titanic. As in the case of many other love stories, the lovers in this film were from different social backgrounds; one was rich and the other was poor. â€Å"The film opens in modern times and shows an expedition team diving where the Titanic sunk, taking along with it the famous 56-Carat blue diamond† (Titanic). After seeing the live telecast of this exploration, a 101-year-old woman (Rose or Kate Winslet) came forward to claim the ownership of that diamond. She then began to tell the actual story of the Titanic and the film was developed based on that. The theme of film avatar is a mining mission conducted by humans on Pandora which is the satellite of Alpha Centauri star system. Humanoids or some creatures with similarities with a human were the inhabitants of Pandora. The mining mission caused several problems to the humanoids and the war between humans and humanoids broke ou t. â€Å"The climax of the plot is the traditional epic battle of good versus evil† (Avatar: Summary and Analysis) or battle between humans and humanoids. In both the movies, at least one of the major characters faces a disaster at the end. None of the characters who faced disaster at the end deserved such a cruel destiny. In Titanic, Billy Zane accuses Jack of stealing whereas in Avatar Jake and Dr Grace were tied on a wooden cross by the humanoids. It should be noted all these characters suffered a sad end to their lives. James Cameron seems to be an expert in exploiting the sentiments of the viewers. He knows very well how to mix tragedy with romance and adventure and to exploit the soft corners of the viewers.

Has humanity progressed Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Has humanity progressed - Essay Example ophical theories which includes the Leviathan theory by Thomas Hobbes, Discourse on Inequality by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Enlightenment by Immanuel Kant, and the German ideology by Karl Marx. Leviathan is a sea monster which has been referred to as the gatekeeper of hell and has been mentioned in the Bible. Hobbes introduced his Leviathan philosophy and this was one of the most important philosophies using the principle of social contract. In his theory, Hobbes discussed that the best way to reach social unity is by the establishment of a social contract where the people combine to form a central power, or government, and give their consent to an agreed set of rules and regulations. He stated that by nature, every man is considered as a competition by another and compared humans to animals with respect to violence. Hobbes stated: With the existence of a social contract, any social unrest is less likely to happen and with all the people having representation in the central authoritative body, there is also less chance of a civil war. (Infidels) When we take this into consideration and analyze whether humanity has actually progressed or not, it can be observed that humanity has not improved at all. People still have the nature of considering everyone as a competitor for them and they have become less tolerant to each other. People, in the form of nations, are fighting with each other to win others’ territory either due to the important strategic location or resources. Groups are fighting with each other on grounds of religion, and the threat factor has increased so much that despite majority of the religions fighting preach peace, yet their believers are displaying the worst form of human rights violation. Although many may argue that the popularity of democracy shows that the social contract may exist, but the truth remains that despite our actions to solve our issues with the help of a central authoritative body, we still have the same mentality and thus it

Wage Inequality in the Airline Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Wage Inequality in the Airline Industry - Essay Example For example, in the trucking industry, after deregulation union wages fell, whereas nonunion wages did not change significantly. This contrasts to the situation in the airline industry, where the wages of nonunion workers after deregulation have "eroded" (Bratsberg et al, 2001). The entry of new "non-union, low-wage" companies into the market forced existing companies to "extract wage concessions" from their employees, if they wanted to remain competitive (Deller, 2002). In this way competition with other private airline companies and governmental airline suppliers, forced wages downward to contain costs increases. Still, because of high industry unionization (Bratsberg et al, 2001), the unions retained considerable bargaining power, hence they were more effective in preserving high wages, and the union wage advantage increased during the years after the deregulation. Literature review has not identified one single method for determining wage inequality for the airline industry. Instead, various research papers investigate into different aspects that explain wage levels and estimate wage inequality in the airline industry by making comparisons between different worker/employee groups in the industry. One such paper distinguishes between wage levels of union, and nonun... One such paper distinguishes between wage levels of union, and nonunion workers, by assessing "the effect of deregulation on union power" (Bratsberg et al, 2001). Eventually, union power influences the wage levels of similar categories of workers who differ in their employment relations (union versus nonunion workers). According to the article, after deregulation, union wages have been less responsive to this change, whereas non-union wages have decreased significantly (Bratsberg et al, 2001) due to competitive pressure on costs. This has increased "the union premium" and has created greater wage inequality in the industry. Another research project undertaken by Michael Reich (2003) assesses wage policies at the San Francisco International Airport - SFO - for eighty employers in security areas or who perform security functions. The paper distinguishes between different level service workers, defining "security screeners, baggage handlers, fuel agents, customer service agents []" as the "lowest paid [non-managerial level] airline service workers". The research ascertains wage inequality based on company of employment, whereas lower wages are concentrated among employees of airline service contractors, contrasted by (in-house) airline companies. Additionally, Reich (2003) determines a benchmark minimum wage level (similar to the relative poverty line) of $10.00 per hour and comments that the introduction of new policies that decrease wage inequality have created significant decline in jobs turnover. This has created the positive effect of reduced pay inequality on service levels, worker motivation and pro ductivity (Reich, 2003). References: 1. Bratsberg, B. & Ragan J. (2001) "Changes in the Union Wage Premium

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Adopting Lean Manufacturing System and Six Sigma Quality System Dissertation

Adopting Lean Manufacturing System and Six Sigma Quality System - Dissertation Example This dissertation demonstrate that management systems are very important to any company as it enables a firm to get better the quality of service and performance delivered. Continuous development programs go through constant adaptation and modification, which is dependent on the need to improve a firm's overall performance. A variety of methodologies and techniques have been initiated, most of which are usually used in private organizations. Such processes can be properly handled through the help of methodical systems or approaches that are considered to progress a company's processes. Two of the most popular and high-effective approaches are the Lean Manufacturing System and the Six Sigma Quality Management System. Both can actually be applied at the same instance, though implementing these methodologies entail a series of modifications that can be difficult for a company. Lean Six Sigma is a combination of Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma Productions. These two well-known approaches have been extensively used separately by several companies, but the integration of both present few published literature. ‘Adopting Lean Manufacturing System and Six Sigma Quality System’ has been conducted to analyze and evaluate the definition and implementation of Lean and Six Sigma in a manufacturing company. In evaluating both methods, the author demonstrate that Lean and Six Sigma have its similarities and differences, though the objective for both systems is to improve a firm's quality and performance rate. ... Continuous development projects and practices would generate a higher degree of success rate through Lean's waste reduction principle and Six Sigma's defects elimination principle. Glossary DMADV - A Six Sigma process that involves the following elements: Define, Measure, Analyse, Design, and Verify. DMAIC - A Six Sigma process that involves the following elements: Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, and Control. Flow - The sequential processes of an operation within a firm. Lean - A quality management system that focuses on the elimination of waste to increase value for continuous development. Sigma units - Measurement units or metrics that are used to assess quality and performance. Six Sigma - A strategic management system that evaluates and monitors sigma measurement units to reduce variation and attain company objectives through Six Sigma methodologies applicable to the conditions. Value - A product or service that customers purchase. Waste - Variables in the organization process es that increases the costs spent by the company that does not generate value. 1. Research Question â€Å"Recent high profile failures such as Toyota’s Brake fiasco have highlighted the need for more robust quality management systems and improved production tools in large organisations. From the perspective of an operations manager in a large manufacturing firm, present a case to the board of directors for adoption of Lean Production Systems and 6 Sigma Quality Management System.† 1.1. Project Aim This research aims to critically evaluate and present a business case for implementing Lean Production and Six Sigma systems into an organisation. 1.2. Project Objectives A. To critically evaluate the Lean Production and Six Sigma Quality

James Mill Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

James Mill - Research Paper Example Understanding Mill's advocacy of commerce as a response to the specific conditions of nineteenth-century Britain underscores important aspects of his work that are often overlooked. Mill's assessment of the social benefits of the market is considerably more cautious and skeptical than is often understood in "economic" interpretations of his utilitarianism. He is often mistaken for a theorist who thought that social sentiments were irrelevant to human happiness. Mill negatively assessed social sentiments because in this context the predominant social sentiments were aimed at maintaining deference to ascribed social status. He also believed that if social sentiments were egalitarian, they contributed positively to human happiness. Indeed, what is most often overlooked is that Mill was critical of an excessive preoccupation with interests. He believed that the esteem of others was a critical part of human happiness and that it was undesirable to pursue interests to the exception of cult ivating affective ties. From a contemporary perspective, it is important to understand that Mill's theory in favor of the market had a specific historical reference to the conditions of nineteenth-century Europe. For that reason, his theory does not provide a normative basis for economic liberalization today in any straightforward way. We ought to understand the early history of capitalism as a specific ideological response to the shortcomings of traditional societies-not just in economics but in basic social and political values.... He is often mistaken for a theorist who thought that social sentiments were irrelevant to human happiness. Mill negatively assessed social sentiments because in his context the predominant social sentiments were aimed at maintaining deference to ascribed social status. He also believed that if social sentiments were egalitarian, they contributed positively to human happiness. Indeed, what is most often overlooked is that Mill was critical of an excessive preoccupation with interests. He believed that the esteem of others was a critical part of human happiness, and that it was undesirable to pursue interests to the exception of cultivating affective ties. From a contemporary perspective, it is important to understand that Mill's theory in favor of the market had a specific historical reference to the conditions of nineteenth-century Europe. For that reason, his theory does not provide a normative basis for economic liberalization today in any straightforward way. We ought to understan d the early history of capitalism as a specific ideological response to the shortcomings of traditional societies-not just in economics, but in basic social and political values. Commerce was recommended by early nineteenth century utilitarians as a means for bringing about conditions in which a transition to liberal democracy could be realized. Market society's focus on economic interests would increase the expectations of the traditionally poor majority. The legitimacy of the disproportionate material benefits enjoyed by the traditional oligarchy would wane. This would erode the hierarchical social sentiments that supported the power of the oligarchy. This created the historical possibility of reforming social sentiments in an

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wage Inequality in the Airline Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Wage Inequality in the Airline Industry - Essay Example For example, in the trucking industry, after deregulation union wages fell, whereas nonunion wages did not change significantly. This contrasts to the situation in the airline industry, where the wages of nonunion workers after deregulation have "eroded" (Bratsberg et al, 2001). The entry of new "non-union, low-wage" companies into the market forced existing companies to "extract wage concessions" from their employees, if they wanted to remain competitive (Deller, 2002). In this way competition with other private airline companies and governmental airline suppliers, forced wages downward to contain costs increases. Still, because of high industry unionization (Bratsberg et al, 2001), the unions retained considerable bargaining power, hence they were more effective in preserving high wages, and the union wage advantage increased during the years after the deregulation. Literature review has not identified one single method for determining wage inequality for the airline industry. Instead, various research papers investigate into different aspects that explain wage levels and estimate wage inequality in the airline industry by making comparisons between different worker/employee groups in the industry. One such paper distinguishes between wage levels of union, and nonun... One such paper distinguishes between wage levels of union, and nonunion workers, by assessing "the effect of deregulation on union power" (Bratsberg et al, 2001). Eventually, union power influences the wage levels of similar categories of workers who differ in their employment relations (union versus nonunion workers). According to the article, after deregulation, union wages have been less responsive to this change, whereas non-union wages have decreased significantly (Bratsberg et al, 2001) due to competitive pressure on costs. This has increased "the union premium" and has created greater wage inequality in the industry. Another research project undertaken by Michael Reich (2003) assesses wage policies at the San Francisco International Airport - SFO - for eighty employers in security areas or who perform security functions. The paper distinguishes between different level service workers, defining "security screeners, baggage handlers, fuel agents, customer service agents []" as the "lowest paid [non-managerial level] airline service workers". The research ascertains wage inequality based on company of employment, whereas lower wages are concentrated among employees of airline service contractors, contrasted by (in-house) airline companies. Additionally, Reich (2003) determines a benchmark minimum wage level (similar to the relative poverty line) of $10.00 per hour and comments that the introduction of new policies that decrease wage inequality have created significant decline in jobs turnover. This has created the positive effect of reduced pay inequality on service levels, worker motivation and pro ductivity (Reich, 2003). References: 1. Bratsberg, B. & Ragan J. (2001) "Changes in the Union Wage Premium

James Mill Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

James Mill - Research Paper Example Understanding Mill's advocacy of commerce as a response to the specific conditions of nineteenth-century Britain underscores important aspects of his work that are often overlooked. Mill's assessment of the social benefits of the market is considerably more cautious and skeptical than is often understood in "economic" interpretations of his utilitarianism. He is often mistaken for a theorist who thought that social sentiments were irrelevant to human happiness. Mill negatively assessed social sentiments because in this context the predominant social sentiments were aimed at maintaining deference to ascribed social status. He also believed that if social sentiments were egalitarian, they contributed positively to human happiness. Indeed, what is most often overlooked is that Mill was critical of an excessive preoccupation with interests. He believed that the esteem of others was a critical part of human happiness and that it was undesirable to pursue interests to the exception of cult ivating affective ties. From a contemporary perspective, it is important to understand that Mill's theory in favor of the market had a specific historical reference to the conditions of nineteenth-century Europe. For that reason, his theory does not provide a normative basis for economic liberalization today in any straightforward way. We ought to understand the early history of capitalism as a specific ideological response to the shortcomings of traditional societies-not just in economics but in basic social and political values.... He is often mistaken for a theorist who thought that social sentiments were irrelevant to human happiness. Mill negatively assessed social sentiments because in his context the predominant social sentiments were aimed at maintaining deference to ascribed social status. He also believed that if social sentiments were egalitarian, they contributed positively to human happiness. Indeed, what is most often overlooked is that Mill was critical of an excessive preoccupation with interests. He believed that the esteem of others was a critical part of human happiness, and that it was undesirable to pursue interests to the exception of cultivating affective ties. From a contemporary perspective, it is important to understand that Mill's theory in favor of the market had a specific historical reference to the conditions of nineteenth-century Europe. For that reason, his theory does not provide a normative basis for economic liberalization today in any straightforward way. We ought to understan d the early history of capitalism as a specific ideological response to the shortcomings of traditional societies-not just in economics, but in basic social and political values. Commerce was recommended by early nineteenth century utilitarians as a means for bringing about conditions in which a transition to liberal democracy could be realized. Market society's focus on economic interests would increase the expectations of the traditionally poor majority. The legitimacy of the disproportionate material benefits enjoyed by the traditional oligarchy would wane. This would erode the hierarchical social sentiments that supported the power of the oligarchy. This created the historical possibility of reforming social sentiments in an

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Compare how the theme of loss Essay Example for Free

Compare how the theme of loss Essay As he was inexperienced and had childlike thoughts and imagination, he was unaware of what situation he put himself in, which once again outlines the innocence of his youth. However, it does mention several times that â€Å"He asked to join. He didn’t have to beg† which refers back to the idea that he is only to blame, as whatever position he is now standing in, was completely his decision. He had also been taken away by the persuasive black propaganda. This makes his loss feel more pointless and very regretful. So this defies his argument about blaming Meg. Whilst comparing these characters together they, as well, blame their faults onto somebody else. We, as a reader, understand this, because when he mentions the reasons why he joined up for war, he mentions how it was â€Å"to please his Meg†, and this sounds sarcastic to us that he threw his life away at such a young age for a girl who doesn’t even care enough to visit him anymore, instead leaving him lonely in a â€Å"wheeled chair, waiting for dark†. He is more or less blaming her for making his life futile. Also, again in proximity with the poem ‘Out, Out-’ where he blames it on the â€Å"snarling† saw that appeared to attack at him. Frost personifies the saw repeatedly throughout the poem, how the saw â€Å"leaped out at the boy’s hand† and how it had â€Å"snarled and rattled in the yard†. Giving the image of an animal, waiting to pounce. These two characters are forced to be independent about their lives because they are both rejected by others. In the poem ‘Out, Out-’ he complains about how once he died nobody had taken much interest when he died â€Å"since they were not the one dead†, they â€Å"turned to their affairs†, and this compares nicely within ‘Disabled’ where he talks about how â€Å"women’s eyes passed from him to the strong men that were whole†, as well as having rejection hit at him, it also makes him feel dehumanised, that he is now labelled â€Å"Disabled† and now he has stripped of his masculinity. This again alludes to the idea of loss as he is being abandoned by everyone. He had a massive crowd of people chanting him off to war, whereas â€Å"only some cheered him home†. This gives a lonely, isolated and unloved atmosphere. Furthermore, these two poets have created a contrast between idyllic working environments with the beautiful setting coming into contrast with horrific events. Robert Frost has created a perfect example of this in the poem â€Å"Out, Out-† when mentioning the â€Å"Five mountain ranges one behind the other Under the sunset far into Vermont† and also describes the â€Å"sweet, scented stuff†. The sibilance on the â€Å"sweet† and â€Å"scented† exaggerates the pleasant atmosphere. By mentioning these notes about how everything was delightful, and how all of his five senses are all sensational and pleasurable, it creates a sense of danger in a way that everything at the moment is perfect and it is making the reader predict that it is just leading up to something more hazardous and dangerous. Another example of the use of this effect would be in the poem ‘Disabled’ where Wilfred Owen describes how the disabled soldier listens outside from his hospital bed how the â€Å"Voices of boys rang saddening like a hymn† and also their â€Å"Voices of play and pleasure†. The use of this anaphora gives the effect of an echo and how the children’s happiness haunts him. Also the plosive used on â€Å"play and pleasure† gives it a harsh tone to possibly show that he is jealous of the freedom of the children as he barely had any youth himself so he envies those who have. What sounds to the reader (which is mirrored earlier on) is a beautiful setting by which Owen has as well as Frost added a negative perspective to it. However, in this poem it is to show the emotions of the angry and bitter disabled soldier, unlike in ‘Out, Out-’ where it is to show the building tension of a beautiful setting coming into contrast with a scene of horrific events. These characters are very remorseful about why they had made their stupid mistakes in the first place. This once again makes the loss wasted and valueless.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Television Violence and Children

Television Violence and Children I. Overview Television has been hailed by many as the greatest invention ever created and as such, it has wrought a great influence towards each and every person. Through the television, we were able to view several important events throughout our history such as the very first trip to the moon, the tragedy of the September 11 attack at the World Trade Center and other such disasters and major events. On average, American children watch about three to four hours of television everyday with half almost half having the television set in their own bedroom. Consequently, it has become an influential factor towards the development of a child’s values and behavior. Nowadays, there is an assortment of shows from movies to cable television and even commercial ads that features a lot of violence. Coupled with a lesser degree of supervision from parents, children are constantly exposed to themes of violence. Due to this, the children’s television act was enacted wherein research into the topic was required. Several studies have found out that a lengthy exposure to television violence causes aggressiveness levels to rise. Furthermore, it has been found out that being exposed to TV violence can lead to children becoming immune to the idea of violence, accepting violence as something that can solve their problems, imitate what they see in television as well as identify with the characters on television that display violent behavior. It was in the year 1964 that television was found out to be a strong influence to the behavior of a child. Parents themselves can limit the effects of television violence by modeling appropriate behaviors and limiting the amount and nature of the show that children watch especially amongst younger children in from the toddler and preschool age. II. Controversy â€Å"What one learns about life from the television screen seems to be transmitted to the next generation,† Leonard Eron, from The University of Michigan who chairs the APA Commission on Violence and Youth â€Å"I dont know anyone in peace studies who doesnt think ads, TV and movies in a very significant way affect violence against women and violence by gangs. The burden of proof needs to fall not on those trying to show a positive correlation, but on those who continue to promote violence and use it as entertainment.† Robin Crews, a professor at the University of Colorado who heads a group of activist academics called the Peace Studies Association Scenario / Situation With American children glued to the TV for an average of 27 hours each week (in the inner city its often 11 hours per day), the American Psychological Association (APA) now estimates that a typical child will watch 8,000 murders and 100,000 acts of violence before finishing elementary school. In the mid-1980s, 13-year-old Juan Valdez of Manteca, Calif., confessed to murdering a friends father. Having kicked, stabbed, beaten and choked the man with a dog chain, the boy was asked why he also poured salt on the victims wounds. â€Å"Oh, I dont know,† he replied, â€Å"I just seen it on TV.† Children learn most through visual stimulation and as such, they tend to imitate the behaviors they observe regardless whether it is negative or positive. Even if children imitate the behaviors of â€Å"good guys† in shows or movies, these are still aggressive in nature and they learn that fighting is the solution for conflicts as well as violence as an acceptable means of resolving problems. Furthermore, children who are exposed for a lengthier time to television violence have demonstrated difficulties in problem solving and poor interpersonal relationships. It can’t be denied that television has certain adverse effects on our society. Ever since the television’s inception, crime rates have steadily increased. Nowadays, even the school, a center for education and learning have become almost like war zones as there have been incidents of school shootings. Previous studies have shown that children as young as 5 years old, has the ability to understand the behavioral content of television shows. Another study, which experimented on four year old children have found out that their behavior during play was influenced by the aggressive behavior they see on television. These problems have been blamed partly, on the violence that children are exposed to everyday while watching television plus the given fact that there is excessive violence and sex on television. As a result, the present content of these shows contribute largely to both physical and verbal aggression of children which are evident in various situations. Children who have been continuously exposed to violent themes may take these characteristics as something that is ordinary and usual in the real world which may lead them to conclude that violence is both acceptable and the standard. Thus, these children, once they grow up may show indifference to violence and deem it suitable. III. Quotations Quotation One: In the words of a recent American Psychological Association (APA) report, â€Å"the accumulated research clearly demonstrates a correlation between viewing violence and aggressive behavior that is, heavy viewers behave more aggressively than light viewers.† Article Title: TV Violence By Charles S. Clark Works Cited Information: American Psychological Association Quoted in TV Guide, op. cit. Quotation Two: â€Å"I dont know anyone in peace studies who doesnt think ads, TV and movies in a very significant way affect violence against women and violence by gangs. The burden of proof needs to fall not on those trying to show a positive correlation, but on those who continue to promote violence and use it as entertainment.† Article Title: TV Violence By Charles S. Clark Works Cited Information: Robin Cooks as Quoted in Los Angeles Times, May 18, 1992. IV. Evidence First Piece of Evidence: Violence has been popularly depicted ever since and especially now when advancements in technology presents a means to deliver to audiences a realistic show which contains detailed scenes and a rapid sequence of action. Even cartoons nowadays can be described as containing aggressive and at times, even violent themes which is one major source of problem. In a survey of elementary school educators, it was found out that the show â€Å"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles† can cause confusion between what is real and what is fantasy. One teacher even reported that â€Å"Several children really thought it was OK to use physical violence with other children because [the turtles] do that,† Article Title: , â€Å"The Subversion of Healthy Development and Play: Teachers Reactions to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles† Works Cited Information: Nancy Carlsson-Paige and Diane E. Levin, â€Å"The Subversion of Healthy Development and Play: Teachers Reactions to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Day Care and Early Education, winter 1991. Second Piece of Evidence: In several studies and research conducted by various groups, the reactions of children were studied wherein they were shown a scene of a man punching an inflatable toy and being rewarded with sweets and candy. Another study, meanwhile, compared the level of aggression of a child after watching a combat that features cartoon characters such as Bugs Bunny, Woody Woodpecker and tom Jerry and comparing it to other shows such as Lassie. Researchers also studied how homicide rates were affected by watching televised boxing matches and even noting increases in suicide rates following the TV shows which depict suicide. Accordingly, results show that there were measurable increases of three to fifteen percent of causative effects. Article Title: Television as a Social Issue Works Cited Information: Stuart Oskamp (ed.), Television as a Social Issue, (1988), p. 190. Reference: Carlsson-Paige, Nancy and Levin, Diane. The Subversion of Healthy Development and Play: Teachers Reactions to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Day Care and Early Education, winter 1991. Cooks, Robin as Quoted in Los Angeles Times, May 18, 1992 Huesmann, Rowell and Miller, Laurie (1994). Long-term effects of repeated exposure to media violence in childhood. In L. Rowell Huesmann (ed.) Aggressive Behavior, (pp. 153-186), New York: Plenum Press. Stuart Oskamp (ed.), Television as a Social Issue, (1988), p. 190.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Wonder Collar :: Animals Product Advertisement Essays

Wonder Collar Pet owners, you know that technology has given us great many tools to make life easier and happier for you and your pet. With things like invisible fencing and the microchip ID, you pet's safety is greatly increased. And with noise training products, you can live at peace with you pet humanely. But the problem with these products is that you have to buy four or five different products each with its own collar. It is impossible to use them all at one. Well this is a problem no longer with the WonderCollar. The WonderCollar is a all in one collar. NO more switching collars for training and for your fence. The best part is that you get to decide which products you want. By visiting our webpage, you can choose the options you want and your collar will then be custom made! Here is a look at some of the options featured on the WonderCollar. Noise Training Does your dog have a hard time listening to you? Are you at your wits end because your dog chews on the furniture, jumps on visitors, digs in the yard, or excessively barks and you have tired all the tricks in the book to get him to stop? Now there is help. Our system comes with a noise training option to help deter unwanted behaviors and to teach your dog some basic obedience. As we all know, there is a wrong way and a right way to use "trainers". That is why each of our products comes with a training manual and video, and we have a hotline available so that you can find the answer to any other questions you might have. Here is a closer look at the WonderCollar's noise training options. The Collar The remote training collar attachment allows you to "train without pain." It uses the same technology as a pager. A remote sends a signal to the collar, which then vibrates or produces a noise. There is a switch on the collar attachment that allows for eight levels of noise and three levels of vibration. Another switch allows you to choose the noise or vibration option, or both! The pager has a range of up to 100 ft. and can be used indoors and out-of-doors. The collar attachment has an internal antenna and is waterproof. Perfect for all types of environments. It also comes with an on/off safety switch. It is powered by a 6-volt battery pack that is interchangeable between all the WonderCollar's attachments. Wonder Collar :: Animals Product Advertisement Essays Wonder Collar Pet owners, you know that technology has given us great many tools to make life easier and happier for you and your pet. With things like invisible fencing and the microchip ID, you pet's safety is greatly increased. And with noise training products, you can live at peace with you pet humanely. But the problem with these products is that you have to buy four or five different products each with its own collar. It is impossible to use them all at one. Well this is a problem no longer with the WonderCollar. The WonderCollar is a all in one collar. NO more switching collars for training and for your fence. The best part is that you get to decide which products you want. By visiting our webpage, you can choose the options you want and your collar will then be custom made! Here is a look at some of the options featured on the WonderCollar. Noise Training Does your dog have a hard time listening to you? Are you at your wits end because your dog chews on the furniture, jumps on visitors, digs in the yard, or excessively barks and you have tired all the tricks in the book to get him to stop? Now there is help. Our system comes with a noise training option to help deter unwanted behaviors and to teach your dog some basic obedience. As we all know, there is a wrong way and a right way to use "trainers". That is why each of our products comes with a training manual and video, and we have a hotline available so that you can find the answer to any other questions you might have. Here is a closer look at the WonderCollar's noise training options. The Collar The remote training collar attachment allows you to "train without pain." It uses the same technology as a pager. A remote sends a signal to the collar, which then vibrates or produces a noise. There is a switch on the collar attachment that allows for eight levels of noise and three levels of vibration. Another switch allows you to choose the noise or vibration option, or both! The pager has a range of up to 100 ft. and can be used indoors and out-of-doors. The collar attachment has an internal antenna and is waterproof. Perfect for all types of environments. It also comes with an on/off safety switch. It is powered by a 6-volt battery pack that is interchangeable between all the WonderCollar's attachments.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

John Knowles A Separate Peace and Struggle for Power :: Knowles Separate Peace Power Essays

John Knowles' "A Separate Peace" and Struggle for Power John Knowles' A Separate Peace depicts many examples of how power is used. In A Separate Peace, two opposing characters struggle for their own separate might. Gene Forrester, the reserved narrator, is weakened by his struggle for power. While, Phineas was inspired by his own power within. The novel conveys how peace can weaken or inspire during a mental war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Phineas, a natural rebel, is known as the best athlete in school. For example, he and three others come to look at a tree, which is considered among the Upper Middler students at Devon an impossibility. Phineas demonstrates his supreme power by stating that the tree is, indeed, a "cinch" (p. 6). No Upper Middler had dared to do the unthinkable, vaulting off a tree to land in a shallow river. Phineas is the first to do this. This single statement tells us much about him. He doesn't mind taking risks, enjoys intimidating others, and over exaggerates. It tells that he is very strong and powerful to be able to do what others can not do. The denotation of power is "the capability of achieving something." Not only is Phineas achieving something from jumping off this tree, he is achieving power by gaining the respect of fellow classmates. Phineas' spontaneity inspires many others to be like himself and jump off the tree. Another example of Phineas' power is his character establishing scene of disrespect to the school by wearing his pink shirt and the Devon School tie as his belt. We here, again, see him as the spontaneous individual who "can get away with anything" (p.18). Phineas' nature inspired Mr. Patch-Withers, a teacher at Devon. Phineas has an eloquence about himself, allowing him to get by with so much. Phineas "might have rather enjoyed the punishment if it was done in some kind of novel and known way" (p.20). Even with negative actions, Phineas can enjoy a situation if it presents something new and different. It is this spontaneous and contradictory nature which Gene cannot understand and which ultimately contributes to his attempting to destroy Phineas.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gene Forrester, after being gone for fifteen years, returns to the Devon School to recollect his past memories of the summer session when he was sixteen years old. As stated before, Phineas was considered the best athlete in school, but Gene tried to compensate by being the best student in school. Gene's continuous competition with Phineas weakened his personality, hence causing Gene's rebellion on Phineas. Gene begins to think that his purpose is "to become part of Phineas" (p.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Advantages of Verbal communication Essay

Verbal communication- The sharing of information between individuals by using speech. Individuals working within a business need to effectively use verbal communication that employs readily understood spoken words, as well as ensuring that the enunciation, stress and tone of voice with which the words are expressed is appropriate. Read more: We all communicate on a daily basis either with others or ourselves. Verbal communication is one approach for individuals to communicate in a straight forward manner. There are multiple basic components of verbal communication such as audio, words, dialog, and language. Whatever technique of interaction is used, written, body language, or verbal, each is considered a form of communication and is needed for us to communicate. In order to be a success in the world we live in today, possessing clear communication skills are essential for an individual to have strong comprehension skills and an aptitude for communicating effectively. Lacking these, abilities can be a great setback and may create concerns contingent given the situation. When communicating verbally, one of the most essential things not to forget it that our voice itself can communicate more about us than our actual message. Some superlative mechanisms exist while engaged in verbal communication, which are sound, language, and vocalizations. Throughout dialogues we often attempt to exclude any likely chance of misunderstanding and instead be specific and to the point. However, many times that is quite arduous to those who are not as skilled in communication as others are. Mostly, we hope and presume that the message we conveyed has been fully accepted by our speaking audience, since to us the information being transmitted may be important and so we assume that this information is be seen as important to those who receives it. While words only account for approximately 7% of the meaning people ascribe to your communication, tone of voice accounts for 38% of the m eaning. So, it’s obvious that to be a successful communicator, you need to be aware of your verbal cues and clues (e.g., everything from words to sighs, moans, grunts). Inflection refers to ups and downs in talking. Inflection helps you signal to your partner what’s important and may even indicate your emotional state (especially combined with volume and pitch). Volume indicates the degree of loudness to your voice. Again, volume can indicate your energetic involvement with a topic and gives your spouse clues about your temperament and mood. Pacing deals with your rate of speech or the speed of your talking. Matching your rate of speech and your intensity to that of your partner creates rapport and connection. Word choice of course means what words you use to convey your message. Though words may have specific definitions, our lifetime of experience with a word means that our meaning for the word and someone else’s meaning might be quite different. Silence refers to those gaps in our conversations. (Though silence is â€Å"non-verbal† it’s the absence of verbal communication, that’s why I’ve included it in this list.) Allow room for your partner to absorb what you’ve said and give yourself the space to take in what he/she is communicating to you. Advantages: Some of the advantages of the oral communication are: 1. Its easy and simple and saves a lot of money because oral communication is the less expensive way to communicate with each other. 2. It allows feedback on the spot so if the receiver is not 100 percent sure what the message meant, then that feedback will be answered right away. 3. Because the message is instantly, it helps in avoiding time wasted. 4. It brings personal warmth and friendliness and develops a sense of bonding because of these contact between the people. Disadvantages: Some of the disadvantages of the oral communication are: 1. There is no instant feedback between the messenger and the receiver and that the messages could be misunderstood. 2.Long and wordy type of communication cannot be as effectively as verbal messages. 3.The receiver might understand the message differently. 4. responses on the spot might not be carefully thought of. 5. More or less or a different meaning might be conveyed by manner of speaking,tone of voice and facial expressions. Verbal communication refers to the use of sounds and language to relay a message. It serves as a vehicle for expressing desires, ideas and concepts and is vital to the processes of learning and teaching. In combination with nonverbal forms of communication, verbal communication acts as the primary tool for expression between two or more people. Types Interpersonal communication and public speaking are the two basic types of verbal communication. Whereas public speaking involves one or more people delivering a message to a group, interpersonal communication generally refers to a two-way exchange that involves both talking and listening. According to Robert M. Krauss, professor of psychology at Columbia University, signs and symbols are the major signals that make up verbal communication. Words act as symbols, and signs are secondary products of the

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Supporting Health And Wellbeing Education Essay

Every school and baby's room in Scotland are on a journey to excellence, all schools and early old ages scenes are at different phases of implementing a new Scottish course of study, entitled Curriculum for Excellence, where there are three nucleus topics, one of which is wellness and well-being. The experiences and results of this topic are listed under the headers mental, emotional, societal and physical well-being, be aftering for picks and alteration, physical instruction, physical activity and athletics and nutrient and wellness. As stated in the Curriculum for Excellence â€Å" Children and immature people will develop their acquisition in wellness and well-being by developing the cognition and apprehension, accomplishments, capablenesss and properties which they need for mental, emotional, societal and physical well-being now and in the hereafter † . In readying and during the digest of this undertaking, I have taken history of university readings and notes, literature, statute law, authorities guidelines, local authorization and the baby's room betterment program. The first reading which influenced my undertaking was â€Å" Promoting Health a Practical Guide by L Ewles and I Simnett † I realised wellness has to be promoted in a holistic position and all facets of wellness are interrelated and mutualist. ( See appendix one ) I will associate the theory of wellness and well-being within the country of physical exercising for the kids, parents and staff in Abronhill Nursery School. At present turn toing wellness and well-being, the baby's room have already received the gold award for wellness publicity. The manner frontward here is to guarantee all experiences and results, at the early degree are being addressed. Taking history of the guideline which is supported by The World Health Organisation, kids should hold at least one hr of moderate activity most yearss of the hebdomad. In â€Å" Let ‘s Make Scotland More Active † it is emphasised that this hr will merely hold a positive result if it is choice clip, hence my planning for the acquisition experiences in physical exercising had to be thought out and implemented to guarantee kids benefit from them. I knew that I had to pull off my clip in order to accomplish the 10 experiences with the kids and discussed this with the caput instructor and the two members of staff assigned to be my wise man. My chief focal point in each experience was the results and experiences from the Curriculum for Excellence, in add-on to this I researched and read relevant readings. As detailed in be aftering grid one ( Appendix two ) , I read the Curriculum for Excellence and the Health publicity and nutrition ) ( Scotland ) Act 2007. I gained a cognition and apprehension and was able to take the appropriate results for my planning. When frontward planning, I took into history that physical exercising is critical for physical development, but besides cognitive development, which I learned in one of my talks. This is highlighted in The Helping Young Children to Learn Through Movement Programme by Celia O Donovan who points out that â€Å" Children learn through motion and have a better opportunity of going successful scholars if they develop, organic structure consciousness, musculus tone, balance control, clasp and finger motion and manus to oculus co-ordination † , this in bend links to th e five major constituents of wellness, â€Å" cardio-respiratory, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibleness and organic structure composing † . ( Powers and Dodd 2009 ) In my first learning experience, I planned an experience that related to nursery planning and took history of kids involvements. On contemplation I know that I provided an activity where the kids were to the full engaged, extremely motivated and interacted good, but in treatment with my wise man, it was pointed out that I must concentrate more on the results I wanted the kids to accomplish, this was constructive unfavorable judgments. I will concentrate on the kids ‘s advancement and I will measure suitably. My self-evaluation allowed me to be after my following experience successfully. â€Å" Self-evaluation has become increasing stratified across Scots instruction and has contributed good, to bettering accomplishment for all kids † ( HIME, 2007 ) With mention to The Child at the Centre, quality index 2.2 â€Å" The extent to which parents, carers and households are committed to and actively involved in the life of the Centre † . My following planned experience larning grid three ( Appendix two ) takes history of parents and carers who where encourage to take portion in a Zumba category. It promotes a cognition and apprehension of what I am seeking to accomplish with the kids and involves the parents in physical exercising. I have read parents as spouses and I know that in Abronhill nursery school â€Å" Parents and carers will be encouraged to take portion in the service with staff set uping effectual partnership and maintaining in regular communicating † ( National Care Standards, 2002 ) . This experience besides takes history of â€Å" Young Children ‘s Health and Wellbeing by Underdown A † which states â€Å" Parents are the most important resource in advancing kids ‘s wellness and well-be ing, and they should be valued, respected and supported † . On contemplation I can clearly see how this has been put into pattern and how to include parents in their kids ‘s acquisition. I have included exposure of the wall show I created, utilizing parent ‘s remarks ( See appendix three ) . Within this experience I had a duty to run into the demands of an single kid. I was specifically asked to back up her in the afternoon zumba category, as she had already participated in the forenoon. Her keyworker felt support was necessary as she attendances nursery all twenty-four hours. As my observation notes show alternate support was offered. I closely monitored her advancement and attended to her single demands. My uninterrupted planning for physical exercising within the nucleus topics of wellness and well-being, I am really cognizant of doing certain I plan a assortment of activities to turn to the results. The kids have to be excited and motivated by the challenge set within the activity and this clip I planned an obstruction class. Planing grid four ( Appendix two ) . As my observation notes show the kids where a spot over excited at the beginning, but I was able to settle them, by calmly speech production to the kids and including them in the presentation. It was of import for the kids to listen to the regulations and remain safe. On contemplation in conversation with my wise man I was cognizant of pre-positional linguistic communication and she specifically asked me to listen for kids who used this, as she will farther develop this linguistic communication and take the kids ‘s larning frontward. I now understand that during activities there can be really of import links to other countries of the course of study. The experience I planned for Monday 8th November larning grid figure five ( Appendix two ) was to be held out-of-doorss. This experience was included in nursery planning. ( See Appendix four ) On contemplation I feel the conditions was a factor that influenced the kids ‘s enjoyment, it was stop deading cold and the kids did non profit from this experience, even though they had appropriate vesture on and I am cognizant if the importance of out-of-door acquisition in all conditions conditions. With mention to ( Appendix two ) experiences numbered six and seven, I feel the equipment ( See appendix five ) played a large portion in the kids ‘s acquisition and promoted physical exercising. The difference was evident with all of the kids, in one instance a male child demand a drink of H2O from being on the Wii tantrum and said to me â€Å" I will be back for another spell † . I noticed this in contrast to see figure five, did nil to excited them or desire them to carry-on . I truly learned from this experience how equipment, conditions and motive truly affects the kids ‘s battle and acquisition, in future I would will measure these factors and have another experient planned as a dorsum up. I feel the Wii tantrum is relevant up-to-date, educational and popular with the kids and the experience can be linked from place. On contemplation I used congratulations suitably to actuate the kids and promoted independency, the kids enjoyed the chance to exert. In wellness and well-being, during this arrangement I have addressed and been successful in supplying many chances for the kids to develop a â€Å" positive experience of healthy life activities to larn to get by with ambitious state of affairss and assist them to get down to â€Å" get the capacity to prolong physical, emotional and societal well-being † ( Curriculum for Excellence ) Within this baby's room puting the caput instructor and staff are advancing healthy instruction to each other, visiting staff, kids and parents. My work fitted in the overall properness in the baby's room betterment program and I successfully addressed physical exercising in the early old ages puting. Relevant readings and farther surveies made me cognizant of how other factors influence the wellness and well-being of kids e.g. fleshiness, poorness, attitude of parents and environmental factors. In the hereafter I will be able to confidently utilize the cognition and accomplishments I have gained in the country of physical exercising. I shall widen my cognition of the other factors by reading and research. I will be able to travel in to other early old ages scenes and set my cognition into pattern, but I besides need to analyze the others two countries entitled diet and nutrition and mental wellness and wellbeing as they are interlinked.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Advantages Of Effective Communication

Advantages Of Effective Communication Effective communication is the act of using correct word in order to get your message across and keep in mind who is receiving it. For example most people often use up to date slang when with friends as a mean of talking effective considering the best way to get their message to that person. Advantages of effective communication The fact is that while you already know how to communicate, learning a some simple principles that can be used at once will make you an effective communicator and give you enormous advantage in today’s extreme competitive business world. Conflict is reduced. Conflict can arouse from the smallest word or action and can cause destructive responses and behaviours .Unsolved or poorly navigated conflict can harm and even ruin relationships.   Most conflict is cause by misunderstood communication. When you turn out to be an effective communicator, you can solve conflict and create harmony by bridging the communication gaps that create conflict. You can ev en use your skills to resolve conflict between other people. Effective communication skills provide a key role in successfully resolving conflict, both in the home and in the workplace. Help people  to  adopt your ideas.   Knowing how to persuade and getting people adopted to your idea require you to nudge hard and do things that will piss people off to make them adopt your ideas. Effective communication is not about â€Å"you† and getting what you want†¦ it is about becoming aware of what other people want and need and then adapting your presentation to match their needs. As you practice and develop your skills, you will find that people easily  adopt your ideas because you have cleverly helped them to notice them for themselves rather than telling them about them. Have stronger relationships. A keen, healthy relationship can be best achieves in your life. Good relationships enhance every part of your life, supporting your health, mind, and your connections with others. Some relationships are special and people often come all together for several reasons. Effective communication builds strong business and personal relationships and allowing you understand exactly what people want  and how to give it to them. At the same time, it allows you know how to communicate your thoughts and emotions in ways that people we automatically understand at an unconscious level. Lead to successful career. Effective communication provides people great advantage in getting good jobs which they had passion for, balancing their mood of life both in academic, moral aspect and bring out the out of life. People will like you better. People grow very accustomed to a certain manner in life. We like to celebrate individuality in the world and also discriminate against to that are dissimilar to us. Gratefully, effective communication shows us that we don’t need to decide between these two polarities. We can communicate in a way which is similar to other peopl e while still keeping the honour of our individuality. In order to be unique easily express what you want to express (say what you want to say and do what you want to do but in a way which is familiar and understandable to other people. Using effective communication will aid you to understand other people well and when you understand them, you will relate to them well. When you relate well, people will like you more.